November 6, 2014

"Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.”
Lauren DeStefano, Wither 
 We have just another month to embrace the warmth of Autumn before everything turns into a frosty wonderland. This time of year is probably my favorite because everything is about being comfortable in layers, being able to enjoy the daytime with bright sunshine and to just savor the idea of the Earth being golden again. The actual gold trend in fashion is one of my all time favorites also, so it's nice to have the collaboration between natural and material come together. This year for the golden trend, I'm inspired by the early sunrise in the countryside, that moment where the warm glow slowly appears from the horizon and we're greeted with a clear blue sky at the end. I've noticed a lot of nights lately too, the sunsets have been magnificent with their abundance of different colors. I captured quite a few that just took my breath away. Below are some items to help you daydream of seeing your own perfect sunrise/sunset. Enjoy!


Mostly Lisa

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