it is time, frodo

October 30, 2020

(photo via: twelve52pets)
Well, the white shores have peacefully called Mr. Frodo home to a far green country filled with so many treats, his favorite squeaky toys, the sun beating on his soft fur and a huge piece of my heart. This dog came into my life 16 years ago and it was at a time I didn’t know I would need him the most. His name attributed to one of my favorite characters to which he slowly became my watching buddy during the holidays when I’d watch the trilogy. There are so many memories but those lazy, quiet moments mean the most to me. He was my best friend, the love between us was unconditional and he always knew when I was feeling down and when to give me those sloppy kisses. He did the same for the rest of my family and anyone he had the chance to meet. I hope he has many more adventures crossing the rainbow bridge and finds a new fellowship to be a part of. I will always love you, bubba. Thank you for making my life better. 🐾

Mostly Lisa

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