September 15, 2020

We can all agree this fall is going to be very different than what we've experienced previously, right? Everything feels delayed and I'm mentally still in winter mode from March, so it's insane that it's already the third week of September. Seriously though, what is time? Can someone tell me? While I've decorated my apartment to feel a tiny inch of excitement for the new season upon us, especially Halloween, it's definitely muted than years past. That being said, I'm hoping to get out on walks and see the color changing leaves around my neighborhood, grab a Salted Caramel Mocha from Starbucks, eat those pumpkin Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and hopefully see some friends while social distancing. So there's definitely some silver lining in that we have some more time on our hands to truly prepare for the changing of so many various things! 

Even though we're not doing a whole lot this year, I still wanted to share some things that are getting me in the mood for autumn and I hope they will for you too. Let me know in the comments below what is on your fall shopping list.

Colorblocked Dress

 Long Tailored Blazer


Rivulets Quilt


Mostly Lisa

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