1. Making my voice heard
You ever realize that you're sick of not voicing your opinion? Letting people talk over you and not adding anything to the conversation. Well, this year I want to not be afraid to say what I'm feeling about a viewpoint, situation or what is going to be best for me in the long run. I pride myself on being a really good listener when it comes to having a conversation with friends, family and even strangers, but I want to remind myself that I can have a solid train of thought and eloquently voice it without the fear of being judged. I think the biggest thing that holds me back is the response of the other person in the conversation, not knowing induces high anxiety for me. It is an innate fear of them rejecting me and that makes my fight or flight response kick in, so I'm aiming to really work on getting out of my head while in a conversation with someone and to simply exist in the moment. How liberating that sounds.
2. Having a regular sleep schedule
2020 provided all of us with PLENTY, but I know I'm not alone in the fact that a small aspect of the dumpster fire of the year was simply having an irregular sleep routine. For me when I say irregular.. I mean staying up for 24 hours one to two times a week or sometimes going to bed at 3am and not getting up until 4pm. Who knew that could be bad for you? Hah. I've had periods of time when my sleep schedule gets messed up but damn, it's really bad right now. My body is tired, all the time. I'd very much like to go back to getting 6-7 hours of solid sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and productive for the day. So here's to going to bed at 11pm or midnight and waking up around 7am, which is super attainable for me now because I have someone to do that with. 😁
3. Drinking more water
All I do is drink Diet Pepsi and coffee. It's an endless cycle, with some water here and there. For 2021 though, I want to become a water fountain and just continuously drink and drink until I become the most hydrated human being in existence. Seriously though, I need to drink at least 5-6 glasses a day because I'm severely lacking right now. The biggest thing I want to get out of this is that I'm hoping it will help improve my mood, skin and body in general. I bought a couple water bottles to help out, so cross your fingers for me!
4. Opening a savings account
I am horrible with money, truly. Being unemployed for the past two years has been pretty difficult to try and improve that statement, however, you'll catch me every day working on finding a new job and I only wish I could be paid for how many hours I've spent on sending in my resume. Why is money so stressful too? If there is one thing I actually hate, it's that we rely so much on money and how it encompasses our adult life until you die. Before this year ends though, I aim to open a savings account and start putting aside funds that will help me in the future when I'm older and need to rely solely on myself to simply survive.
5. Continuing to educate myself
Educating yourself is a lifelong process and learning how to be anti-racist is a big part of that. I believe that no one is inherently racist but that they're taught to be and it's their decision to live in that hate or to branch away and realize that we're all human beings and that we should live in love. It's also way too easy for people to show support for a movement and then go on with their lives, which we see time and time again. However after what happened in June, it's been a stark reminder that every day I have to show up (as well as the people around me) and I should be prepared for tough conversations and not shrink away from something that may make me feel 'uncomfortable.' I came across this newsletter called "Anti-Racism Daily" that sends daily actions to 'dismantle white supremacy' and I highly recommend signing up for it as well. Let's keep fighting and showing up for the people that need it the most and not step over the people that need to be heard. Listen, learn and love.
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