
Red is attributed with passion, heat, love, Christmas, Valentine's Day, beauty, error, lust, violence, good luck, pain, sin, several other connotations. This color is so fantastic.
(All outfits from fredflare.com)
So I decided to do some more freehand drawing but with outfits from different stores. I know they aren't that good, but they are so much fun to do.
Blue is my favorite color and it probably always will be. I love the different tones it has also, and that you find it in nature. So beautiful.
1. Nature (1)

2. Jane Austen

3. Art


4. Travel

5. Architecture

All by (Illaria Rossetti)

All done by (Parachute Girl)

All done by (Mary Robinson)

  1. The neutral blazer

I've never been one to wear blazers in the past, but I find myself drawn to wanting to own a couple for this upcoming season. Especially in these certain colors, you can pair it with almost anything.

2. The feminine accent

Lace and animal prints. There is such a seductive to quality to both of these, so I think including them into your wardrobe would be fabulous. 3. The shearling jacket

This simple jacket is so sleek and doesn't add too much bulk to whatever you're already wearing. Pick neutral colors. Pair with dresses, pants. To add an extra quality, try leather boots.

All from net-a-porter.com. Most likely an outfit for Fall, I hope I can find something like it in other stores. Because these 5 items alone cost $2,365. Look for more of these in the future.